Joe Bates Saga Alternate Endings

Chapter 58b

by Donna Allyson McLeod

(Modified from the original Chapter 58 by Donna Allyson McLeod)
This is my attempt to provide an alternative finish to the Saga of Joe Bates. I have taken some liberty with the author's work by making a few changes in the original text in order to accomplish an appropriate end to the story. The majority of the changes were to Chapter 58. It must be understood however that the work is that of the original author and only chapters 59 thru 65 and the epilogue are my work .

Donna Allyson McLeod.

.......... Joe guided the Mazda into the Honeybone parking lot just as the news was coming on the radio. He had hoped to arrive earlier, before seven, but things just didn't work out. Just as he was ready to leave, he decided to put some laundry in the washer, and it took a little longer than expected to gather up his things to make a load. Linda added some of her things too, so that added to the delay. There really was no rush anyway. There was nothing special to do today, at least till this afternoon, he figured. That would surely be when Dr. Krell would have Phil use the cage, if he was going to do so today.

.......... Joe had mixed feelings about what was likely to take place. For him and the others from the flight and ground crew, the change had occurred because of a strange accident. Nobody knew or had any idea something like a total sex change to men would happen. For Norm, it was quite different. When he tried the cage, he didn't know for sure what really caused the strange effect, but he apparently decided that if anyone was going to have be the first to try it, it might as well be him. The fact that he had been experiencing gender related problems for some time was probably only a convenient side benefit. Being the first took real guts. No one was sure if the cage concept would have the same effect, indeed, it could have other, much worse results.

.......... For days before, they had experimented on primates with no result of any kind. But, first time with a human in the cage, it worked. With what appeared to be exactly the same results as from the GPS transmitters.

.......... But, like the others, Norm's body began to feminize only a few hours after exposure to the carefully controlled mix of radio frequencies and modulation. It worked, almost like a miracle. No visible damage, but the cell structures, perhaps even to the chromosome level, had been changed. The resulting cell damage manifested itself in a very bizarre way. All males exposed to the radio energy had been altered, apparently at the cellular level, and almost immediately began to acquire the primary and secondary sexual characteristics of the opposite sex.

.......... They became, physically at least, completely female in appearance and probably over time emotionally and mentally as well. In fact, it might be said they were more than perfectly healthy. Since the exposure, each of them continued to show indication of a strange "age reduction". It was hard to describe, but they had, and were continuing to experience, signs of becoming ever more youthful.

.......... Norm Peterson, the oldest, was well over sixty at the time he was exposed. He now looked to be about thirty-five perhaps forty, no more. Tim Werner, the youngest at just over twenty-one, now appeared perhaps fourteen years old, if that and the change continued. Tim was fearful that he might end up as a baby girl pissing in her diapers, or worse. It was on all their minds.

.......... Joe walked passed the guard shack and presented his security badge. It was hardly necessary. He was sure the guard already knew who he was, indeed he was certain all eyes in the little building were watching him walk down the drive to the main building. They always watched the women. Now they watched him too.

.......... He tried to emphasize the slight swiveling movement of his hips as he walked. Might as well give them a little show. Joe was becoming a tease. A true female characteristic.

.......... Entering the main building, Joe proceeded to the Avionics Test area where his desk was located. Just down the hall was the lab... And the cage.

.......... Probably nobody here yet, he thought as he took a seat. He checked his in-basket for mail. There wasn't any. He sat back in the chair, wondering where he might have left his coffee cup.Probably in the lab.

.......... Joe got up and straightened his blouse as he walked down the hall to the double-doors of the lab. Inside, he was surprised to see Dr. Krell and Karen already there.

.......... "Good morning, Joe." Dr. Krell called as soon as he saw him. "You're a little early, aren't you?"

.......... "Morning." Joe answered. "I wasn't sleepy, so I thought I'd come in now".

.......... "I'm glad you did." The little doctor responded. "I have some interesting news for you, and I want to schedule yet another physical examination if I can, this morning."

.......... Joe winced. Not more tests. It seemed every doctor at Hillcrest had already seen him naked.

.......... "Get some coffee, and settle in." Dr. Krell said. He noticed the expression on Joe's face upon hearing about another examination.

.......... "What's up?" Joe said casually as he went to the Lab coffee pot.

.......... "I want to talk with you in the conference room." Doctor Krell said.

.......... "Get your coffee and go in there. I'll be with you in a few minutes."

.......... Joe filled his cup and went to the small meeting room off the lab. There was one large table and perhaps ten or twelve chairs. Joe took a seat half way down one side.

.......... "I wonder what he has to say?" Joe thought to himself as he sipped the warm black liquid.Joe was looking at the old aircraft pictures on the wall when Dr. Krell entered.

.......... "Well, you certainly look nice this morning!" Doctor Krell complimented.

.......... "Still trying to get it right with this make-up thing." Joe said apologetically. "I still don't have it down yet."

.......... "You're doing very well." The doctor advised.

.......... "What's up, Doc?" Joe asked, grinning at his pun.

.......... Doctor Krell looked at the picture of a Gulfstream jet, taken just as it was touching down. "How are you feeling this morning, Joe?" He asked.

.......... "How do I feel?" Joe repeated. "Fine, I guess. I'm sorta getting used to all this, if that's what you mean."

.......... "You seem to be adapting well to what has happened." Dr. Krell went on. "Is that a fair assessment?"

.......... "Yeah... I guess so." Joe answered.

.......... "No feelings of depression... Of being out of place... Things like that?"

.......... "It gets easier as time passes, I think I am really getting to like being a girl. Some times I get these mixed emotions and feel like crying, hell... I actual do cry now sometimes.

.......... What's this all about?" Joe asked.

.......... "Have you figured out a way reverse to process?"Dr. Krell raised his hands and smiled.

.......... "Nooo. Nooo. Nothing like that, unfortunately." He said. "We do have some information, however."

.......... "Good, or bad?" Joe asked.

.......... "I don't know." Dr. Krell said. "I don't think it could be considered good news depending on one's point of view, but it may not really be so bad either."

.......... "What is it, Doc?" Joe pressed. "What's going on?"

.......... "Well... We sent the tissue samples to a more well equipped lab in Atlanta. They have, among other things, a very powerful electron microscope and a much more sensitive spectrum analyzer than we have here, or in San Diego." Dr. Krell started.

.......... "Initially, as far as we could tell, all subjects exposed to the radiation exhibited exactly the same symptoms, and the same physical changes."

.......... "We don't?" Joe interrupted.

.......... "No, you do, at least so far." Dr. Krell explained. "But there were some interesting additional findings."

.......... "Go ahead, Doc." Joe urged.

.......... "Don't worry, it's nothing life threatening." Dr. Krell said. "But we did make one discovery that might have a long-term effect."

.......... "Permanent cell damage?" Joe offered.

.......... "Well, by definition, everything that happened might be considered damage to your cells."

.......... "What then?" Joe urged.

.......... "Joe... As you are aware, your body has developed the external physiological characteristics of an adult female. Indeed, I believe you have already attempted intercourse with a normal male and found it satisfactory?" He grinned.

.......... Joe blushed and nodded his head.

.......... "It appears that we may never find a way to transform you back. I'm certain you can live as a woman, you certainly are showing you can at least, and no one will ever know, unless you choose to inform them of your experience."

.......... "So what are you saying? What's going on, Doc!" Joe asked.

.......... "Joe. According to the findings of the lab in Atlanta, and I believe these are the best in business... Your body contains the same gonads as before. Although they had been transformed... Become ovaries... Well the confirmation is in. The internal process of transformation is complete. The testes have become fully functional ovaries. "Apparently they still functioned normally for a few days as testes." Dr. Krell announced. "They were Un-descended, of course, but quite functional and continued to produce testosterone."

.......... "I still have my balls?" Joe asked in amazement.

.......... "Well you did but not anymore, I suppose that is one way of putting it, at least for a few days you did." Dr. Krell said, smiling slightly at the street language coming from this so very feminine person.

.......... "Well, along with the extensive, unusual cell damage, which is apparently responsible for much of your new appearance, we believe you were unresponsive to androgens." Dr. Krell explained. "You still produced testosterone, probably at or very near previously normal levels. But that appears to have nearly stopped although not completely.

.......... "So, what does it all mean?" Joe asked.

.......... "Well... Simply put, from a purely medical point of view, you are now genetically and physically, a fully functional female" Doctor Krell said. Joe looked at the little man and smiled.

.......... "Joe," said Dr. Krell, "During the past few days, have you felt your interest in women diminishing?"

.......... "Well to tell you the truth, yes." Said Joe.

.......... "That is probably because your ovaries/testes have stopped producing testosterone in any significant amount and are now producing near normal levels of estrogen. I would bet that an MRI would show that your ovaries are fully developed now." Dr. Krell replied. "That is most likely why you are now experiencing those episodes of crying you mentioned. Your testosterone level is dropping rapidly and you are now susceptible to truly female emotions.

.......... Joe had an immense feeling of well being overtake him. Strange he thought. He actually felt happy about this news.

.......... Dr. Krell continued, " Joe you and the others should be very careful now. I am sure that you are fully capable of becoming pregnant. If you don't want to become a mother right away you had better take preventative measures when having sex. Which I know you have already tried.

.......... "Dr. Krell, I am glad you are being candid with me. I did not ask for this gender change nor would I have even tried it if I knew in advance what would happen. But it did happen and I am stuck with it. If and it appears that I must live out my life as a girl, I will damn well give it my best shot. That does not include getting pregnant for awhile yet, at least." Said Joe.

.......... "Good for you." Said Dr. Krell. "That attitude will serve you well. If you ever need any advice and help you know you will always be able to call me or come to the clinic for assistance."

.......... "Thank you Doctor." Joe said. "I appreciate that."

.......... "I will need to give you one last brief exam before you leave today Joe." Said Krell

.......... "Ok Doctor. I will stop in before I leave." Said Joe.

.......... Joe got up from the chair, he stopped as he passes the mirror on the wall. For the first time he truly looked at his own image. It was then that he realized that he was really a woman, he felt happier than he could remember for a long, long time. With those thoughts in mind, Joe left the room. Joe pondered how he was going to deal with Linda. He had noticed his desires and urges as a man had diminished somewhat. Now he knew why.

.......... He somehow felt more complete when around her. But, last night was only a sample of what a life together would be like. Frustrating. He was no longer capable of functioning as a guy anymore. He couldn't be totally happy with Linda ... And Linda wouldn't be happy with him either. Joe knew he would not be happy as a lesbian either. Joe knew he could live his life as a woman, but could he ever have a real relationship with a male? Could he be a woman for another man? He had no choice now. He was going to make this new womanhood work. He recalled the experience with Jay. Physically, it was very pleasant. The changes his body had undergone were obviously very complimentary to sex with a male. It actually felt good. He couldn't believe just how satisfying it had been to have intercourse with Jay.

.......... Surprisingly, it wasn't embarrassing to be intimate with his old friend. He didn't know why. Although it was a little strange, it all seemed rather natural.

.......... He didn't know how Jay felt, but when their bodies touched everything seemed all right. They were old college buddies, but the transition to intimacy happened as easy as anything so far. In fact, Jay seemed to be falling in love with Joe.

.......... Joe wasn't sure but that he might be having the same feelings. It was impossible to feel very macho wearing a bra and panties... Especially with a body that looked like this... But was he ready to be a girlfriend to Jay or something even more permanent? How was this new information going to effect Linda? Joe pondered these questions in his mind as he walked down the hallway.



.......... Joe was a little surprised to feel his body's reaction to his thoughts. Sexual arousal had become a bit different now, usually starting with a slight "tickle" in the breasts, just behind the nipples, as they stiffened. Then, a more familiar "hard-on" feel as his clitoris, began to become erect. There was not enough tissue for the resulting "erection" to extend much beyond the labia majora, but the sensation was exquisite. A short while later, another sensation, unlike anything experienced as a male, became the primary sensation. Whenever his new vaginal opening began to lubricate, Joe could feel it as a warming sensation, sometimes even a very wet feeling in his underwear. This was usually accompanied by an overwhelming desire to have something inside. Joe read in a book that this was probably caused by a kind of "ballooning" of the upper vagina. Whatever caused it, whenever that happened, it made him feel very horny.

.......... There was little doubt his body had indeed changed.

.......... Joe not only looked like a woman now, but he couldn't help but react like one. It was beyond his control, now, after Dr. Krell's revelation, he was sure he understood why. He had become totally and completely female in every way possible. The only remaining question was for how long? If he and the other changelings continued to get increasingly younger, they might end up as babies, or worse. That was a bummer of a thought. It was going to be interesting to live as a woman.

.......... In the lab, Joe saw that Dave had arrived.

.......... A few days had passed since Joe last saw Dave. Like the others, Dave had continued to undergo subtle changes each day.

.......... To Joe's eyes, Dave looked younger than the last time he saw his somewhat overweight friend. The continuing feminization was evident in the noticeably wider hips, larger derriere, and even fuller bustline. Dave had developed large breasts. It was strange to see his pal's familiar face above that matronly body.

.......... Joe went over to his friend.

.......... "Good morning Dave." Joe called out as he came up from behind. Dave was engrossed in something he was reading. Dave turned and smiled when he recognized Joe.

.......... "Morning, Joe." Dave returned. "You sure look nice this morning." Joe was glad to see his friend sounding so chipper.

.......... "You do too." Joe responded, his eyes on Dave's substantial chest. Dave noticed his friends attention.

.......... "Yeah... I know... Kinda big, huh?"" Dave admitted. He was smiling, but his embarrassment very evident.

.......... "Uhhh no... I ahh..." Joe stammered.

.......... I'm as big as Cindy now." Dave continued, straightening his back to emphasize his generous endowment. "Who'd have thought this would happen?"

.......... "How's it going, Dave?" Joe asked. He knew his friend had been experiencing deep depression over what had happened.

.......... "Lot's better." Dave said simply. "I don't know what all's helping, but I'm dealing with it Ok, I think."

.......... That's good." Joe said. Joe knew but he was not going to say. Joe would let Dr. Krell break the news to the others. "How's Cindy doing?" Joe continued.

.......... "She's an angel." Dave answered. "I couldn't get through this without her."

.......... "I'm glad everything is working out." Joe went on. "I was getting worried about you, old pal."

.......... "I'm all right." Dave insisted. It sure could have been a lot worse, couldn't it?"

.......... "That's for sure." Joe admitted. "Your sure are looking great." Dave went on, winking as he looked Joe up and down.

.......... "Yeah...That's what they tell me." Joe said, realizing what Dave was probably thinking as he almost leered.. "I keep trying to adjust."

.......... "This female stuff can be kind of fun." Dave said, to Joe's complete amazement. Joe couldn't believe Dave's new state of mind.

.......... "Well, that's a change in attitude from the other day." Joe declared. "Not much anyone can do about it, right?" Dave concluded. "Dr. Krell gave me some pills that have been helping me deal with this, I think." "They certainly seem to work for you." Joe admitted.

.......... "Yeah. And Cindy has been a big help too."

.......... "How's all that working out?" Joe asked, referring to Dave's family problems.

.......... Dave looked straight into Joe's eyes.

.......... "I can't lie about it, Joe." Dave admitted. "I wish everything were different, but we are dealing with it. I've been taking your advice about it, too." He winked.

.......... "And, I've discovered, these things can even be kind of fun in the sack." Dave continued, rubbing his large bosom with his hands.

.......... "There is some good things about the change." Joe agreed. "I know I need to lose some weight." Dave acknowledged. "I want to, but I just seem to gain it even easier than before."

.......... "It's not easy, I know." Joe admitted.

.......... Dave laughed. "You know?" He said. "What do know, with your little boobs and that tiny butt.

.......... My hips are bigger now, too." Joe insisted. "I know what you're going through, even if I haven't changed quite as much as you have."

.......... Dave turned around, making that large derriere stand out. "Come back to me when you look like this." Dave ordered. "Or when your chest is this big." He pulled his blouse up to expose his bra covered breasts.

.......... Joe couldn't help staring at his friend. Except for pictures, he couldn't remember actually seeing a woman with breasts that big. Joe smiled. He tried to not look amazed. Dave grinned. Joe didn't know what to say.

.......... "What's it feel like to be that big?" He asked.

.......... Dave grinned wider. "Oh... They get in the way all the time." He admitted. "I can't believe all this is really me. I feel off-balance anytime I move around."

.......... "Yeah.. Me too. I don't look anything like that, but it feels weird to sleep on my front." Joe agreed.

.......... "I wish it just felt weird." Dave offered. "I haven't been able to sleep in any position but on-my-back for three days. Even my shoulders hurt."

.......... "I feel for you." Joe told him. "Maybe it will help if you can take off some weight."

.......... "That's what Dr. Krell advised." Dave said. "I don't know how I'll ever be able to do it though."

.......... "You've got to come to the aerobics classes with me and Linda." Joe suggested. "I think you might find it interesting."

.......... "Yeah, Tim told me about the scenery in the locker room." Dave said, grinning. "That's all I need, Joe." Joe smiled.

.......... "It's true, too." Joe explained. "I think if you go along, you'll find plenty to take your mind off the exercise." Dave got a little closer.

.......... "Joe, I know I've become a woman, but I'm telling you, I don't think any of my urges changed at all." Dave whispered. "I still feel just the same as before. I just can't do what I want about it anymore." Joe nodded his head. "The urges will diminish Dave. Believe me." What does that make us... lesbians, bisexuals, what?" Dave asked. Joe looked serious.

.......... "I'm not sure." Joe said. "I think we are in a stage of adjustment. I don't think anyone can give us a label until all of the transformation is complete." They looked in each others eyes, and smiled.

.......... "What the heck has happened to us, Joe?" Dave asked.

.......... Suddenly Joe remembered the meeting with Dr. Krell. "Have you talked with Dr. Krell yet this morning?" Joe asked.

.......... "No, I just got here, why?" Dave responded.

.......... "I think he's got some interesting news for you." Joe said.

.......... "What is it?" Dave asked.

.......... "I better let him tell you." Joe insisted.

.......... "They've found a solution?" Dave suggested.

.......... "No, I'm afraid not." Joe hinted. "But I'm sure he'll tell you as soon as he sees you." As they were speaking, the swinging doors to the lab opened. Tim Werner entered, followed by Phil Berg.

.......... "Good morning, everybody." Tim chirped in his little girl voice. Joe turned to see Tim coming into the Lab. He was stunning. He had brushed his hair in such a manner that it came down the sides if his head and then swept forward and upwards to form sweeping curls on his cheeks. He wore a pretty pink saffron dress with a full circle skirt and white petticoat that just peeked out from under the hem of the dress. He wore a matching scarf tied in a knot around his head. The pink loafers and white pantyhose accented the outfit. He wore a white and pink beaded necklace and matching earrings. Damn, Joe thought Tim is looking more like a beautiful young girl everyday. Joe chuckled to himself at that thought. That's is exactly what Tim is he said to himself.

.......... "Hi, Tim, Phil. God Tim, you look lovely today." Joe returned.

.......... "Why thank you Ma'am" responded Tim, "Phil, this is Dave. He's one of us." Phil and Dave awkwardly shook hands. The handsome, fit man, and the rather overweight woman were a strange contrast in the human physique. Joe turned his attention to Tim, who was grinning widely, as if he had something he was dying to tell.

.......... As Joe studied his young friend, it was obvious he had continued to get even younger looking since last night. How young could he get?

.......... "What are you so excited about?" Joe asked. Tim looked surprised at the question.

.......... "Why... What do you mean?" Tim said innocently.

.......... "You look like the cat that just ate the canary." Joe explained.

.......... "Don't say something isn't going on."

.......... "Nope... Nothing... Nothing going on." Tim insisted. But his smile covered his whole face. Joe looked at Phil.

.......... "What's going on?" Joe asked. Phil looked serious.

.......... "Hey... I don't know." Phil said, acting very innocent. Joe decided to drop it. He knew they had spent the night together at his apartment. He could imagine what might have happened. He rose from his seat. The coffee had seemed to go right through him.

.......... "Excuse me." Joe said, as he walked the restroom in the hall. He felt uncomfortable entering the forbidden ladies room. Joe found the room empty and entered a stall. He carefully took a seat and then heard someone else enter the room. Great. There were very few women on this end of the Engineering building, and Joe figured he would be undisturbed. He hated company when using the women's john.

.......... "Joe. Are you in here?" A little girl's voice called out. Tim.

.......... "Yeah Tim, I'm here." Joe answered. Joe heard footsteps along the three stalls. Tim was probably checking under the doors to determine if they were alone.

.......... "Joe, I know you know, so I want to tell you." Tim spoke enthusiastically.

.......... "It happened. Last night. I asked him, he agreed, and we did it."

.......... "Really?" Joe responded, "Did you like it?"

.......... "It was unbelievable." Tim answered. "I was scared as hell, but I wanted to try it... I was afraid it would hurt, but it wasn't bad at all." Joe smiled. He imagined the scene... The handsome, worldly, Phil Berg, agreeing to sleep with the teen-age looking Tim Werner.

.......... "Was it anything like you though it would be?" Joe asked, knowing Tim really wanted to talk about it.

.......... "We talked a while." Tim explained. "He asked about how it felt to be female. I think he's really interested. When he asked if I had experienced sex yet. I said no, but I wanted to. I offered... He accepted."

.......... Pretty good, huh." Joe concluded.

.......... You wouldn't believe..." Tim went on. "We touched each other at first... That was kind of awkward, I guess... I mean, he is a guy and all. But then he started undressing me and my knees got all wobbly. He really knew how to make me feel good. When I saw him... God, I thought he would rip me apart when I saw him... I still can't believe it went in..."

.......... "So, I guess you're a woman now, huh?" Joe asked.

.......... "I was worried it might never happen." Tim replied. "It did, and I kind of liked it, I really did."

.......... "Keep your pants on, pal." Joe recommended. "You've got to be careful."

.......... "Yeah... I know." Tim acknowledged, "I won't hop into bed with just anybody. We used protection, so I won't get pregnant."

.......... "Was he good?" Joe asked. There was a long silence.

.......... "Well, I don't have all that much to compare him with, but he sure knew how to make me feel good. I couldn't believe it. It didn't feel like much at first, except kind of a stretching pain when he went in. In a while, it started to feel pretty good. I think it sorta feels like somebody is playing with your balls instead of your cock."

.......... "Did you come?"

.......... "Well, not while we were doing it, but before... Like I said, he knew how to make me feel good. He went real slow, like you did." Tim said. Joe finished and stood and wiped, stopping to inspect the small wet spot in his underwear before he pulled them up.

.......... The conversation was making him feel like a big sister. Maybe this was how it would be to live as a woman. Joe flushed and opened the stall door.

.......... "Well, are you glad you did it, or wish you hadn't?" Joe asked the very young looking person looking at him.

.......... "Oh, Joe, I feel so much better... I know it won't be as bad as I thought." Tim said enthusiastically.

.......... "Good." Joe announced. "I'm glad you feel that way. I wish I could be so sure of myself." He grinned.

.......... Joe washed his hands and straightened his clothes and checked his hair. "What do you mean by that?" Tim asked. "I thought you were the one who had his act together on this."

.......... Joe looked at the young "girl".

.......... "I'm just as confused and as worried as you are." Joe said. "Maybe I just hide it better."

.......... "Well, I feel a lot better, anyway." Tim decided. "Look at me Joe, I'm just a little girl now. I really think I can live with all this female stuff now, I don't want to change back. I am going to stay a girl."

.......... "Well young lady, let's get on with it, OK?" Joe asked, walking to the door. Tim looked at Joe. " What are you going to do Joe? Are you going to stay a girl or are you going to change back if you can?"

.......... Joe took several moments to reply. He remembered what Dr. Krell had just told him. This made Joe's reply a lot easier. He wanted to give this new cute little 'teenager' an honest answer. Joe looked at Tim and said. " Tim, call me Jo-Ellen from now on. But not in front of the others just yet. They need time to decide on their own without being influenced by us. But in truth, I have come to like this new life as a woman. I think I will stick with it."

.......... Tim looked at Joe and replied. "Thanks Sis, Me to. Call me Tammy"

.......... The young women and the little girl walked out into the lab. Big smiles on their faces giving the only hint of their secret decision.


More Bates Endings Next Issue here on Sapphire's Channel!