Chapter 18
                            ANSWERS II

     The Town Car pulled into the FBO parking area.  Jay and Joe
quickly got out and went to the desk.  The others, Karen, Dave, and
Mike, remained in the car.

     Jay went over to the desk, and began speaking to the girl

     "No, sir, they haven't started working on your plane yet." She

     "Can I talk to the mechanic?" Jay asked.

     "Sure.  I'll call him." The girl said, picking up the phone.

     In a few moments, a heavy set, middle aged man came from the
door to the hangers.  He walked up to Jay, and shook his hand.

     "Hi.  We'll be getting to that Mooney in about fifteen
minutes." He said.  "I think we'll have you two back in the sky
before ten."

     Jay looked at Joe and grinned, but said nothing.  As Jay
described the symptoms he had the night before, the service manager
listened intently.  When Jay was finished the he spoke.

     "It sure sounds like a pump has packed up," he said, and went
back into the hanger.

     The girl behind the desk spoke.  "We have coffee and rolls
over there," she said, pointing to an area with a coffee pot  and
a couple of boxes of doughnuts.  "Please make yourselves at home."

     "Well, it looks like you'll be ok," Joe told Jay.  "I'd better
get going."

     "If you get back tonight, give me a call," Jay said.

     "Yeah, I will," Joe said.  He was noticing something very
different in how Jay was relating to him.  He wasn't sure how to
take it.

     Joe left Jay at the desk and went back to the parking lot.  As
he walked, he could feel the gentle breeze on his legs, and felt it
billow under the little sun dress.  The feeling was very different
from anything he had felt before.  He had only been outdoors
wearing a dress a few times before, but then he always wore
pantyhose or stockings.  This morning he wore only panties under
the dress.  His legs were bare, and the breeze made him feel sexy,
almost naked.  Joe smiled to himself, enjoying the feeling as he
got back in the Lincoln with his friends.

     "He'll be OK.  I think we can go," He said.

     Karen was driving, and quickly got back on the road to the
clinic.  In about eight minutes, they pulled into the small parking
area beside the clinic. They all went in and checked in with the
receptionist.  Then they took seats until they were called.

     In less than five minutes, the receptionist called Tim, who
followed her into Dr. Krell's office.  She then came out and spoke
to them, looking mostly at Karen.

     "Why don't you take them into the classroom, if you like? 
Susan has some tapes for them to watch.  They might be in there
already," the receptionist said.

     The others followed Karen into the little classroom.  On one
of the tables were three video tapes.  Karen went over and looked
at them.

     "How about 'OURSELVES'?" Karen asked, holding up one of the
cassettes.  "I believe it's meant for girls going through puberty,
but I perhaps you'll find it interesting too.  It's probably quite

     "Yeah, it's just what we need," Mike said sarcastically,
"adolescent health films."

     "Never know, you just might learn something, Mike," Karen
answered back.  She went to the VCR, and put the tape in.

     On a large color monitor, they watched as the educational film
ran.  It was obviously meant for young women, but it carefully
explained the workings of the female, and male, organs of reproduc-
tion, showing them as fairly accurate drawings, rather than
photographs.  As the female organs were explained, the four former
men watched intently as the anatomy they now possessed was covered
in considerable detail.  A cartoon-like segment showed a girl as
she developed into a young adult, from pubic hair, to breast
development, and menstrual periods.  Then it showed a cartoon of an
adolescent boy and his journey to maturity, explaining it from the
point of view of a young woman.  Joe found it quite different to
watch this now, from the last time he had watched a somewhat
similar movie.  Then, he was thirteen, and a curious young male. 
He looked over at Mike, who was also showing a lot of interest in
the tape.  As his eyes moved to his pal Dave, he noticed that while
he too was transfixed by what he watching, his right hand was idly
kneading the soft bulge of his left breast as he watched.  Dave
must have felt Joe's eyes on him because he looked over, and saw
Joe smiling as he watched him.  Embarrassed, he folded his hands on
the table.

     When the tape finished, Karen went to the VCR and rewound the
cassette.  She held up the other two.  "Do you want to watch these
now, or take a break?"

     "Let's watch 'em," Mike said quickly.  "What are they about?"
His attitude had changed quickly.

     "Well, this one is about clothing, and cosmetics.  It's an
introduction to the Real Life Test.  Dr. Krell has this to show his
reassignment patients," Karen answered.  "It's pretty long."

     "What's the other one?" Dave asked.  His interest had
obviously been piqued by the first tape.

     "This covers contraceptive methods.  It's actually intended
for medical students or doctors, but you all of you can probably
appreciate it. It's thirty-two minutes long.  I don't think I've
seen it either," Karen answered.

     "Well.  We don't need that one," Dave said.  "At least I

     "It might be worth watching," Karen returned.  "You are all
probably fertile females now, and you had better understand what
that means."

     Joe understood all too well the significance of his situation. 
He thought about last night, and how it seemed he was almost beside
himself, seemingly unable to control his new desires.  He couldn't
remember ever being that overwhelmed by masculine passion.

     "I'd like to see it," Joe blurted out.  The others looked over
at him and grinned.

     Mike spoke.  "You ready to try out the new equipment?"

     "We might be this way for a long time... maybe for the rest of
our lives," Joe said, matter of factly.  "We might as well face
that reality."

     "Joe's right.  I don't know how you feel right now, but you
might change your mind as time passes."  She put the tape in the
machine, and pressed play.

     This film was obviously meant for a mature audience.  It was
a no nonsense review of birth control methods, showing the
advantages, disadvantages, and performance statistics of each form,
from condoms to oral contraceptives.  While watching it, Joe
decided he would ask Dr. Krell about a diaphragm.  He wondered how
he could bring the subject up.

     As the tape finished with a review of the various methods, the
instructor, Susan Stevens entered the room.  She took a seat next
to Joe, but said nothing.  Joe could detect the pleasant scent of
her perfume.  When the tape finished, she walked to the front of
the room.

     "Good morning." The nurse said.  "My name is Susan Stevens. 
I'm a registered nurse.  I've been married for ten years, and I
have two children.  I've been informed as to what has happened to
you, and I'm here to help.  Feel free to ask any questions you
want.  You won't embarrass me.  I'll try my best not to embarrass
you.  Susan Stevens was a very attractive woman, perhaps in her
early thirties.  She sat on top of the small desk in the front of
the room, and her fitted white uniform did little to hide her
attractive figure.

     No one wanted to be the first to speak, preferring to wait for
others to break the ice.  Susan looked at each of them, the
friendly smile never leaving her face.  "I work here at the clinic
on a regular basis, so I see many examples of gender dysphoria.  I
must admit, however, I've never heard of a case such as you three
have experienced.  I've seen your files... quite interesting. 
Before I joined you here, I was in the examination room with Dr.
Krell as he checked over your friend Tim.  It is really quite

     The others just looked at her, saying nothing.

     "Come now.  You've been like this what... five... six days? 
You must have some questions about yourselves, your anatomic
changes, in that time."

     Surprisingly, Dave spoke first.

     "I'm a married man; the father of two kids.  How do I explain
to a four year old son why I look like this?  And my wife, how do
I relate to her?"  The feminine tone of his voice had a bitter

     Well, I'm not sure about what can be done about your marriage. 
Dr. Krell has people looking at the problem.  For the immediate
future, how does your wife feel about it?  Does she reject you?"

     "Well, no."

     "Then don't reject her."  Susan went on, "I don't know how you
feel about her, or will feel about her as time goes on, but if you
can... if you still have feelings for her, tell her.  Let her know. 
I think she'll understand.  Give her some time."

     "Yeah, but look at me.  I can hardly please her, looking like
this," Dave lamented.

     "Give her a little credit.  I doubt that sex is at the top of
her priority list right now.  She's probably most concerned for
your feelings, and with trying to help you cope.  Talk to her.  Ask
her.  Just don't push her away."

     "But what about my kids?" Dave asked again.

     "Answer the questions when they ask.  Don't tell them more
than they want to know.  You might find that at such a young age,
they'll accept almost anything as normal."

     Dave shook his head in agreement.

     "What does a period feel like?" Mike blurted out.  "Will I
know it's going to happen before blood comes out?"

     "Well, that's a tough one."  Susan looked at Mike with an
understanding grin.  "From personal experience, sometimes I feel
like hell for a day or two before my flow, and sometimes it comes
as a complete surprise.  Most likely, you'll know something is
going to happen before it does.  You'll probably retain water, and
your breasts often feel very tender because of that.  All women are
different though, and it will probably take time to learn your own
body's pattern.  Also, I don't know about a situation like yours,
but when adolescents get their first menses, it's often irregular
for some months, then it settles into a more or less predictable
pattern.  Of course, there are always exceptions.  Are any of you
menstruating now?"

     They all looked at each other, and shook their heads.

     "Well, don't lose any sleep worrying about it.  It really
isn't that bad."

     The discussion moved to questions about hygiene, and self
examination; how to keep their new female parts healthy and working
properly.  Mike was asking most of the questions.  It was obvious
that he had been at a distinct disadvantage compared to Joe and
Dave, both of whom were assisted with the changes by the women
already in their lives.  Mike asked what he could do about his
sensitive nipples.  Susan gave him advice similar to Karen's, and
suggested that he wear a bra or a silk camisole under clothes. Mike
said he didn't know how to buy, or wear a stuff like that.  Susan
said that they should view the other tape, and Karen told him she'd
help.  The conversation continued until Tim came into the room and
took a seat.  Susan greeted him, and quickly went over her self
introduction again.  She quickly went over the questions which had
already been discussed, and asked Tim if he had anything to ask, or
to add.

     "I feel strange... well... kinda horny or something... I don't
know...," Tim said, with great embarrassment.  "Often... sometimes,
I feel like I'm getting an erection.  I know that can't happen,
it's obvious when I see myself that it would be impossible now. 
But, I... I feel like I still have my cock, but know I don't.  It
seems all I can do now is wet my underpants.  What the hell am I
supposed to do?"

     Susan replied calmly, "Tim, I think you must try to get used
to the way you ARE.  I've seen what you look like.  You aren't
deformed, or anything.  Sure, your genitalia are changed... to be
sure, but you are still normal... for a genetic female, and it
appears that's what you have become, at least that's what your body
is now.  We can try to help you get accustomed to the
differences...adapt to what you have become."

     "Yeah, I know.  I just came from Dr. Krell's office.  You saw
what he did to me in the examination room.  Just now, he told me he
thought I was healthy, and normal, FOR A FEMALE!  A girl!  He said
I was a probably a girl!  You can't possibly realize how hard that
is for me, just to walk outside looking like this."  Tim's now
feminine voice showed his frustration.  "I'm a guy... I just turned
twenty-one.  Hell, I just had sex for the first time last year...
and now... my cock is gone, and I've got tits... real ones... and
it seems that nobody can do anything about it."

     "Please.  Calm down," Susan said with authority.  "I realize
it's difficult.  Mike here, and Dave, and Joe too... They have the
same adjustments that you do.  We don't know for sure that it's
permanent, at least not yet.  But even if it happens to be, you're
going to have to quit feeling sorry for yourself.  You say you're
still a man.  Well then... quit whining."

     The hard way Susan spoke to Tim surprised Joe.  He looked over
at the young man with the body of a young woman, as Tim wiped the
tears welling in his eyes.  Joe knew the way Tim was feeling... the
emotional roller coaster they were all on.  He reached down, and
took Tim's hand in his own.  It felt very soft.  He gave it a
squeeze, which Tim returned.

     Tim looked at Joe with desperate eyes.  "Joe, what am I going
to do?  What will my parents say when they find out what's happened
to me?"

     "Don't worry.  I'm sure they'll understand when they find out
what happened.  This certainly isn't your fault.  Ease up.  You
just gotta ease up," Joe said, continuing to hold Tim's hand.

     "I don't know.  I just don't know." Tim said. He was holding
Joe's hand tightly, and Joe could feel him shaking.  It amazed Joe
just how feminine Tim now looked and felt.

     "We've all got to help each other get through this."  Mike
said.  He now had suddenly become more accepting to their plight.

     The receptionist came to the door to the room, and said
something to Susan.  She went back to the front of the room.

     "Why don't you all watch the last tape, and I'll take some
more questions, and then Dr. Krell wants to see Tim again.  The
rest of you will be free to go," Susan said.

     "Will Tim be able to leave for Phoenix with us?" Joe asked.

     "I'm not sure.  Maybe, if you don't leave until later in the
day.  Do you have reservations?" Susan asked.

     "We have our own plane, and can leave whenever we are
released," Dave said.

     "Well, that's convenient," Susan said, obviously impressed.

     She put the last tape in the player, and they all watched.  It
had obviously been made at the clinic, and Joe recognized many of
the people in it, including Susan and the nurse-receptionist.

     The tape was unusual, but informative.  It covered such
diverse subjects as choosing and applying cosmetics, how to measure
for, and purchase clothing and undergarments, how to sit, tips on
how to walk in women's shoes, and skirts, detailed procedures for
performing a breast self exam, and even the proper method they
should use to wipe themselves to prevent vaginal infection.  It
apparently had been created for voluntary gender reassignment
patients, and it included a section on postoperative care.  The
pictures displayed made Joe wonder why anyone would subject
themself to such a terrible hardship.  They had to be really
displeased with the anatomic features they were born with, to be
willing to undergo such pain and suffering, both mental and

     They watched in silence, and when the tape was rewinding, Tim
spoke.  "I guess that's our fate, huh?  We might as well get used
to it.  Nobody really knows how to bring us back... and we're stuck
like this forever," he said, with uncharacteristic sarcasm.

     "I don't know, Tim.  You might be right.  Then again, we won't
know unless we give Dr. Krell and the doctors a chance to find out
what caused it.  Since we don't really know that yet, there is no
way to say it's permanent.  As everyone has told you, it would be
best if you can learn to adapt to the situation.  You might not
like it, I realize that, but, you're not in pain. You still have
perfect health, and there is no reason you can't try to adjust. 
Everyone is trying to help... everyone wants to find out how to
change you all back.  If it's possible, and I think it is, it will
happen.  We just can't predict when that might be."  Susan again
spoke to Tim with that somewhat harsh tone.  Joe realized that she
was right.  It would do no good for any of them to mope, and feel
sorry for themselves.  That wouldn't change a thing.

     "If there are no other questions, you three are free to go. 
Please take an information packet with you."  Susan pointed to the
four large manila envelopes on the table behind them.  "Tim, You
need to meet with Dr. Krell again."

     "I'd like to talk with Dr. Krell, too," Mike said. "I have
something to ask him before we leave."

     "I'll ask," Susan said, leaving the room.

     "Well, she was certainly the prettiest drill sergeant I've
ever seen," Joe said.

     "She's right though," Mike said.  "We might as well do the
best we can, if we're gonna be stuck like this for a while."

     "That's certainly a change," Dave said, looking at Mike, his
raised eyebrows showing his amazement at Mike's new attitude.

     "Yeah, I know.  But while I was watching the film... I don't
know... I guess I just realized... maybe it really isn't so bad to
be like this.  Maybe I'm just getting used to it, or something, but
for some reason, I'm starting to like the way I am.  It's not so
bad," Mike said, saying the words to himself as much as speaking to
the others.

     Joe looked at Mike.  He wondered what had come over his
friend.  Just yesterday, Mike had been so resentful of what
happened to him, and now... It was the same feeling that had come
over Joe a few days ago... a feeling of acceptance... a strange
contentment.  Joe realized that he was no longer even concerned
whether he could ever get back to normal.  It was as if his
definition of "normal" had changed... was still changing.  Would
this happen to each of them?

     Tim followed Susan out the door, and Mike followed them both. 
They went to Dr. Krell's office, and soon Susan and Tim came out,
leaving Mike to talk with the doctor.

     In maybe fifteen minutes, Mike came out.  He walked to the
waiting room and told Tim that Dr. Krell wanted to see him.  He
then took a seat next to Joe.

     "Well, I did it," Mike said.  "I signed the papers."

     Joe knew exactly what he meant.  Yesterday, he, too, had
completed the paperwork for changing his records to match his new
gender.  Even with the strange change in attitude that had overcome
him, it was still a big step to take.  He and Mike were now
legally, as well as physically, women.  Only Dave and Tim had not
made the switch, and Tim was in Dr. Krell's office right now.

     Susan arrived, and Karen came out of Dr. Krell's office.

     "You three are free until four thirty.  Tim will be busy until
then. If you want to go out for a while, that would be ok.  Tim can
go to lunch with me," Susan said.

     "It's about ten.  What would you like to do?" Joe asked.

     "How about helping me with some of those clothes I'll need."
Mike suggested shyly.  He still had trouble saying the words.

     "Yeah, we could do that," Karen said.  "The mall is open. 
It's only a few miles away."

     "Ok, then, let's go," Joe said.

     The three went out and got into the Lincoln.  With Karen
driving, they proceeded to the large shopping mall.

     "Mike has done it; he's signed the papers.  I still can't
believe it," Joe repeated to no one in particular, as they drove

     Mike had been the most "macho" of the group.  He had also been
the most unusually changed of the four, since he had been taking
steroids at the time of the genetic "accident" which had affected
them.  His body had feminized, but, probably due to the foreign
substances in his system at the time of the change, he had retained
more muscle mass than the others, and some parts of his body had
developed somewhat ambiguously.  His genitalia had metamorphosed to
the feminine form, he now possessed a normal vagina, but the
clitoris was quite large, though not nearly large enough to
function as a penis.  His chest was wider than most women's, but
his body hair had now reverted to a feminine distribution, and his
apparently still developing breasts were now about the same size
and shape as Joe's, though on his larger torso they seemed to be

     They pulled into the parking lot and walked into the uncrowded
shopping mall.  Mike, who was still wearing male clothing, was
getting nervous as he walked alongside Joe.

     "Do you think this is a good idea?" he asked.  "What will they
think when they see me?"

     "Don't worry about it." Joe said.  "Nobody knows you here. 
And besides, once you get those clothes replaced, you won't raise
an eyebrow."

     "You really think so?" Mike said.

     Joe looked at Mike.  His friend was now maybe five foot
eleven, or so.  He had been at least six feet tall before, a big
guy.  He was still big, at least as tall now as Joe had been before
the change.  But big as he was, there was now little doubt that
Mike Osborn was a female.  The shirt he was wore was not tailored
for the breasts which seemed to want to tear the buttons out.  At
times his sore nipples would make themselves evident by appearing
to try to poke through the fabric.  Mike's hips... even with his
wide chest, there was little doubt, from the look, to the way he
slightly swayed as he walked, that they were the hips of a woman. 
His bluejeans, which had been quite snug fitting on his male shape,
were now strangely tight in some areas, baggy in others.  The blue
fabric was lighter beside the zipper, where the bulge of his male
appendage had worn it.  Now it was now loose and baggy in that
area, testament to the change that had occurred.

     "I think you'd have more trouble passing as a man than a woman
now," Joe said honestly.

     Mike seemed relieved.  Joe knew how he felt.  No matter what
he looked like in the mirror, Joe had felt extremely self-conscious
when had gone to buy clothes, especially the first time.  The
feeling that all around him thought he was a male attempting to
dress in drag was almost impossible to overcome.

     They walked passed a Victoria's Secret store, and Mike stopped
at the window.  He looked at the silks and satins.  The display
included a sexy sleep set, many styles of lacy bras, and colorful
panties of all types.  Even though Joe was now accustomed to
wearing female things, even to the point of enjoying it, he still
didn't like the lacy stuff.  His taste ran more to the soft slick
silks and colorful satins and nylon fabrics.  When his body was
male, he had loved the sophisticated, sexy look of a woman's body
in snug fitting, unadorned, shiny, nylon panties.  Of course, now
that he had actually worn those things, he found he liked the feel
of the softer, more absorbent cottons better.  They looked almost
as good, and his now more sensitive skin loved the soft feel of

     "Find something?" Karen asked Mike.

     "I don't know... I'm just looking... Gee, I don't know if I
can wear stuff like this, no matter what I'll look like," Mike said
quietly to Karen, an embarrassed smile on his face.

     "Maybe you should consider something a little plainer for your
first," Karen advised, trying to ease his concern.

     "Yeah.  Let's go inside," Mike said, showing a sudden burst of

     The four of them went inside the store, which was decorated to
look like a Victorian era shop, and was scented with a potpourri of
floral odors.  Silks and Satins hung everywhere.  There were
drawers filled with panties, matching bras, and all types of ladies
lounging and night wear.  Karen, who had obviously been there
before, went to a table which displayed many styles of panties. 
She picked up a white cotton hipster which was styled a bit like
men's briefs, but had leg openings cut almost all the way to the
wide elastic waist band. She held them out to Mike.

     "How about these?" she asked.

     Mike took them and held them up.  He looked at the very narrow
band separating the leg openings, and grinned with embarrassment. 
"I hate to think that these would fit me."

     "They're pretty stretchy," Karen said.  "I think they will."

     "Ok. I'll take them then." Mike agreed.  "I guess I'll need a
few pairs, won't I."

     "Yeah.  You might look for some other styles you'd like.  They
don't all have to be plain as those."

     As Mike and Karen were looking at the selection, an attractive
young sales woman joined them.

     "Are you finding what you want?" she asked.  She had obviously
thought that Mike was a guy, shopping with Karen.  She realized her
mistake when she saw the mounds under his shirt.  She looked at
Mike carefully, trying to figure this tall man-woman.

     "I'm just trying to buy some underwear," Mike said to her with
an embarrassed smile.

     The saleswoman was embarrassed at her mistake. But... he
looked so male from a distance, she thought.  His hair.  His size. 
She excused herself awkwardly, and started to help another shopper.

     While Karen was helping Mike, Joe began looking at the many
feminine things offered for sale.  On a table, he saw a shiny black
thong bikini panty, with a matching bra.  It made him think about
the sexy black things Linda wore the other day.  He wondered how
his new shape would look in these.  Only one way to find out, he
thought.  Joe went through the selections until he found both items
in black, and in his size.  He found the bra first, and then found
the tiny panty.  The bottom consisted of an elastic waist band,
with a thin triangle of fabric cut to just about cover the pubic
area with very narrow strip which went around the back and
connected with the waist band.  The back strip would probably be
completely concealed in the cleft of his butt.  Joe found himself
wondering what Jay would think about the outfit.  He suddenly
realized that he was thinking more about how Jay would like it,
than how he himself felt about it.  Another change in his personal-
ity?  He realized that he was thinking about quite a bit that

     He took his selections over to where Mike, Karen, and Dave
were continuing to shop.  Dave just walked along with the others,
not saying much, pausing now and then to feel or hold some item. 
He showed little interest in buying anything for himself.

     Karen looked at what Joe held in his hand.  She grinned
broadly.  "Couldn't resist, huh?" she said to Joe.

     "Hey, if I gotta be a girl, I might as well try it.  Right?"

     "Right." Karen agreed.  "I bought something like that, first
chance I had after my operation.  Just to celebrate being able to
wear it."  Karen went on.

     Mike, his selection of underpants in his hand, had moved on to
another table on which many styles of bras were carefully ar-
raigned.  He held one up and looked at it curiously.

     "How do I know what size to wear?" He asked.

     "We'll have to measure." Karen said.  She went to the desk
where the sales woman was standing, now watching the curious group
out of the corner of her eye.  At Karen's request, she handed her
a measuring tape.  Karen came back to the table.

     "Let's go in here, Mike," she said, taking his hand.

     She led him to one of the two dressing cubicles.  In a minute,
Karen came out, and sorted through the assortment, searching for a
bra.  She didn't find what she wanted, so she went to the saleswom-
an, and spoke to her.  The woman went to a drawer in the many
cabinets by the wall, and began showing Karen various bras also
stored there.  Karen selected one, white, plain, and made of
cotton, and took it into the dressing cubicle where Mike waited
patiently.  In a few minutes, they both came out of the cubicle. 
The white outline of the bra was evident under the shirt Mike wore,
and his uplifted breasts now strained even harder at his shirt

     They went over to the drawers and Karen held up different
styles and types of bras, with Mike shaking his head in agreement
or dissatisfaction at one type and the other.  They soon had about
three choices, and they went back into the cubicle.  Another five
minutes passed, and they came out again.  Mike's face was red with
embarrassment as he went over to where Joe and Dave were standing. 
He was still wearing one of his selections... it could be seen
where it stretched the fabric of his shirt apart between the
buttons.  He now needed a top that fit his new shape.

     "I think the next stop should be for a new shirt," Joe said,
grinning, and pointing at Mike's chest.

     "Yeah, I guess so." Mike said.  "I didn't realize I was this
big."   He continued.  "It does feel kinda good though... not so
loose."  He shook his chest.

     "I know exactly what you mean." Joe said.  It hadn't taken him
long to appreciate the secure feeling he got when he put on his
first bra.

     They paid for their selections and left the store.  The next
store they came past was Penney's.  They went inside, and strolled
into the women's casuals section.  Joe looked at Mike, and decided
that they might have to move to an area with larger sizes.  There,
Mike found a number of stretchy tops that fit his somewhat unusual
contours.  Mike also found some slacks, and some denim jeans.  He
didn't even bother to look at skirts or dresses.  As they were
leaving, they passed the exercise wear.  Mike, whose life had
always revolved around athletics or body building, stopped to look
at the colorful bodywear.

     "I always thought this stuff was sexy." Mike said.  "I never
guessed that I might be able to wear it myself someday."

     He looked at the exercise wear, holding up stretchy bodysuits
and colorful sweats.  When a young sales woman came up and offered
assistance, he asked about sizes, and colors, showing no embarrass-
ment.  The girl helped, seeming unfazed by the big woman with the
short hair, who didn't have any idea what her sizes were.  Watching
Mike, Joe realized that he himself would have no trouble being
taken for a natural woman.  If Mike could do it, any of them could.

     After trying on various items, even coming out of the dressing
room to get their opinion, his still hairy legs, and armpits not
withstanding, Mike purchased a number of leotards, some in cotton,
others in shiny spandex.  He really seemed to like wearing the form
fitting clothing.  Joe had to admit, Mike's new shape was somewhat
attractive, in a female body-builder kind of way.  He just needed
to do something about his short hair, which made him look like a

     "You need to do something about that hair," Joe said, as they
left Penney's.

     "I know how to help with that, too," Karen said.

     They went out of the mall, and went to a little shop outside
the main part of the mall, in one of the little places along the
periphery.  It specialized in wigs and hairpieces for men and
women.  Karen told them that she knew the owner, Barbara Simon, who
had been one of Dr. Krell's patients.  They went inside, and Karen
introduced them to an attractive, middle aged woman.  Joe looked at
her, and wondered if she had once been a man also.  If she had, it
was impossible to tell.  She looked, and even talked just like a
normal woman.  If she was a guy, Joe thought, Dr. Krell was good at
his work.

     Karen explained what their problem was, and the woman seemed
unfazed.  She immediately went to the back and brought out some
examples, mounted on velour covered heads.  She sat Mike down, and
tried a few on him, the third try was a perfect match... It changed
Mike's appearance dramatically.  Mike looked at himself in the full
length mirror, but didn't say a word.  He rubbed his hand along his
cheek, as if needing to prove to himself that the reflection was
his own.

     Mike purchased the hairpiece, and Karen asked Barbara if they
could use her dressing room to change clothes.  She agreed, and
said she actually had no special dressing area, but they could use
the back room.  Mike went back to the car, got his new purchases,
and they all went into the back of the small shop.  There, in front
of everyone, Mike removed his old shirt and pants.  He took off his
male underwear, and replaced them with the white cotton hi-leg
briefs he had just bought.  The new underwear, cut to fit his new
shape, looked quite attractive.  He couldn't resist touching and
stroking the still unfamiliar sleekness of his crotch.  Joe
remembered that he had done the same thing, the first time he had
worn panties.  Male underwear, with the baggy crotch, bunched up
like a diaper.  They didn't look, or feel, like clothing cut with
the female form in mind.

     Standing there, in his new bra, and panties, Mike asked if
there was a mirror he could use.  Barbara opened a closet door,
exposing another full length mirror.  Mike went to it, and for a
few minutes, stood there staring at himself, sometimes touching...
feeling, as if unable to believe what he was seeing.  Finally, he
went over to the clothes.  He selected a top and pulled it over his
head.  He pulled the new jeans on, again returned to the mirror,
turned and critically examined himself.  As all this was happening,
the others said very little.  All understood what Mike was going

     Finally, Mike turned to them, as if he again realized they
were there.  "What do you think?" He asked.

     "You look beautiful," Barbara said.  She meant it.  It was

     "A complete turn about," Karen said.

     "I can't believe its you," Dave said, teasing.  "You almost
look good."

     Mike paid for his purchase.  They thanked Barbara, and said
goodbye.  Joe helped Mike carry his things to the car.  As he
followed behind him, Joe found himself looking at Mike's backside,
as a guy might do to any attractive woman.  The feminine cut of
Mike's new clothes emphasized his wider hips, and Joe realized that
though he was still big, and maybe his shoulders were now a little
too wide, his friend had become a very good looking woman.

     They drove back to the clinic.  When they went in, they found
that Tim was still with Dr. Krell.  The receptionist said she'd
find out when Tim would be finished.  She soon came back, and said
Dr. Krell would see them all in a few minutes.  They waited, and
Dr. Krell came out and asked them all into his office.  He nodded
approval at the transition Mike had made.  When they were all
seated, Dr. Krell sat down behind his desk, and began to speak.

     "I'm sure that you all would like to know what has happened to
you.  We here at the clinic, indeed all over the country, have
found your situation quite interesting.  I realize that for each of
you, the problem is much more personal.  I know that, and I
sincerely hope you realize that many people are doing everything
within their power to help.  We have been running analysis of your
examinations, your blood tests, and I believe we have determined
what has happened.  We are also narrowing down the cause.  It
appears that the change of your genetic make-up has been caused by
exposure to some form of radiation. The one thing in common
throughout all this has been the equipment that Joe, Mike, and Dave
were working with.  Tim also just happened to be in the wrong place
at the right time.  The folks over at Honeybone are setting up an
experiment in the lab there.  They have a large, screened room, a
cage, which will keep the emissions from the equipment from
escaping. It has all been set up there, and they will soon be ready
to begin running tests.  I'm sure you will all want to be there. 
I want you to be there."

     Dave raised his hand to speak.  "Can we go home this after-

     "I'll be getting to that." Dr. Krell said, smiling.  He knew
they wanted to get home.

     "This afternoon, I would like to get another blood sample from
each of you.  After that, you are free for the remainder of the
day.  Tim has agreed that, like Joe, and now Mike, he would
probably be able to function best if he changed his records.  I
have them in process, but they will not be ready for him to sign
until tomorrow morning at the earliest, around noon, the latest. 
It would be great if you stay until then." Dr. Krell said.

     They wouldn't be going home today after all.  Joe raised the
question they all were thinking about.

     "Do you have any new ideas how to get us back to normal

     Dr. Krell frowned.  "I wish I could say I did, but I'm afraid
that wouldn't be true.  The damage to your chromosomes was so
subtle... it is only within the last three years that we could even
determine exactly the changes that have taken place.  Something,
probably some form of radiation, has damaged the 'Y' chromosome
that you were born with that determines the genetic code, and
thereby, the genetic sex of the body.  That damage has made the 'Y'
chromosome appear to look and function just like it was another
'X'. That lack of a functioning 'Y' is what has caused the changes
you each have undergone.  That much we are sure of.  Exactly how it
happened, I think we can find out.  Repairing the damage... well...
maybe someday.  I doubt if it will happen overnight.  When we can
do it, I think then we'll have enough knowledge of genetics that we
can solve quite a few problems, many of them much more life
threatening than what's afflicting you four."

     "Are you saying we're going to have to stay like this?" Tim

     "We have only begun to address the problem," Dr. Krell
answered.  "I wouldn't want to estimate when we'll have the answer. 
At this time, however, we do not have a solution."

     It was exactly like Joe expected.  They had no way back, but
they were being asked not to give up hope.  A few days ago, Joe
would have been devastated by what he had just been told.  Only the
thought that the situation was temporary, and for a reasonably
short time, had made it bearable.  But something, within the last
two or three days, something had happened... changed, he wasn't
sure what it was, but now, he really didn't care.  As he sat there,
he realized that if Dr. Krell had told them that they had already
found a cure, and that all he had to do to be "normal" was take to
a pill... he wasn't sure what he would do.  It had only been five
days... already he becoming conditioned to think about himself
differently.  The changes that had occurred to his body... changes
that had made it so soft, so much more sensitive, would he want to
give that up?  And for what?  A bit more upper body strength... the
ability to pee standing up?

     "All of you except Dave will sign the reassignment papers, and
you should have no legal difficulties.  I am recommending each of
you to a therapist, to help you to adapt, but I must say, you all
seem to be doing quite well already.  I want to study that, too. 
You all have adjusted so well...  As for you, Dave, We'll come up
with a solution, I don't know what yet.  I want to talk a bit more
with you tomorrow, and get together with your wife, too...  Perhaps
we can work something out."  The unanswered questions made the
little man shrug his shoulders sadly.

     "How about an operation?" Dave asked.  "Can't you just change
me back surgically?  Look at Karen... she used to be a man, too,
you turned her into a woman."

     "That's not quite true, Dave." Dr. Krell answered.  "I didn't
turn Karen into a woman.  As far as Karen was concerned, she WAS a
woman.  I just helped to make her body look on the outside what she
felt in her mind she already was inside."

     "So what's so different about me?" Dave asked logically.  "I
know that I'm really a man.  My wife knows that I'm a man.  Why
can't you just make me look like a man again?"

     "If it were really that easy, I'd do it today," Dr. Krell
answered.  And if I did that, and tomorrow we found a way to get
you back... Dave, you couldn't go back.  I'm not sure what you'd
look like, but I don't think you'd like it.  Your genitalia might
look less masculine than they do now."

     "I doubt it could look less masculine," Dave retorted.  "I
know a pussy when I see one."

     "Perhaps reassignment surgery will be best for you." Dr. Krell
returned.  "But don't rush it too quickly.  I'm afraid when you
find what we would have to do to your vulva; the limitations of the
surgery, I think you need to see what we can do for you before you
agree to surgery."

     "Whatever you could do, if it would make me look, even a
little, like a man again, it would be worth it," Dave answered

     "I will give the matter some thought." Dr. Krell agreed.

     He rose up from behind his desk.  "And now, if you would all
take seats in the waiting room, I'll have the nurse take samples,
and then you can go for the day." The busy man had spent all the
time he could with them.

     They were each called in turn, and quickly were finished.  As
they were waiting for Dave and Tim to finish, Joe and Karen called
the Sheraton, and tried to get their rooms back for another night.

     "Well, if there are no others, we'll take them." Karen finally

     The area was packed with vacationers, and conventioneers, and
the Sheraton had only two rooms available.

     The receptionist, who was good friends with Karen, listened to
the conversation.  She interrupted Karen.

     "If you have just two rooms, let your friends double up, and
you can stay with me at my apartment," she suggested.  "You've
stayed there before, it's close, and you can go home with me.  I'll
be here at the same time tomorrow morning."

     "Is that ok with you?" Karen asked Joe.

     "Sure, Why not?" Joe said.  "I can drive the Lincoln, and I
know where the hotel is."

     "It's settled then," the receptionist said.

     Tim, who was the last to finish, came down the hall.  He was
holding a cotton ball in the crook of his arm.  "I'll tell you one
thing.  Having such sensitive skin sure is lousy when they stick
needles into it all the time."  He was grinning, and rubbing the
soft skin of his arm.

     They told Tim about the hotel arraignment, and then left Karen
and went to the parking lot.

     "Can I bunk with you?" Mike asked Joe, as they walked to the

     "Sure.  What's up?"

     "Oh, nothing much really, I just thought maybe we could talk
a little."

     "Ok.  Fine with me."

     They got in the car for the drive to the hotel.


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