Chapter 6

     Joe arrived at Linda's home more than thirty minutes before
the time they had agreed upon.  He sat in the driveway, wondering
if he should go to her door, or wait a while.  He decided to go up
and ring the bell.

     Linda called out, "Just a moment," and then, "Who's there?"

     "It's me, Joe," Joe returned.  "I'm sorry, I'm a little

     "Hi, Joe," Linda said, opening the door.

     Linda was not ready yet, and was wearing a satin robe.  She
looked at Joe.  "Joe?  Are you Joe?" she questioned.  "You told me
something was wrong, but I don't understand.  You look different;

     "Unfortunately, size isn't the only difference," Joe said,
entering her apartment.  "I'll tell you about it, as much as I
know, anyway."

     "Why are you wearing that jumpsuit?" Linda asked.  "It makes
you look sort of feminine."

     "Linda, I...  I...  When I woke up this morning, I found that
I've gone through some kind of change," Joe stammered.  "I...  I
don't know what caused it, but there are some significant differ-
ences in my appearance.  In fact, I look VERY feminine." He pulled
the zipper of the jumpsuit down a few inches, revealing his
hairless chest, the cleavage of breasts, and the lacy top of a bra.

     Linda's eyes widened when she saw his chest.  She reached out
and touched the edge of the bra, and quickly drew her hand back.

     "You're not Joe," she said.  "I don't know what you're trying
to do, but this is not funny."

     "Linda, I AM Joe!" he protested.  "I know I don't look the
same, but I am still Joe.  I don't know what has happened to me,
but I'm still the same person, and I still love you."  Joe sprawled
in a chair, looking like he was ready to cry.

     "Joe?  It is you, isn't it," Linda said, going over to him.

     "Linda, I'll understand if you don't want anything to do with
me," Joe said, reaching out for her.

     She sat down and he pulled her to his lap.  It was awkward
since she was now about the same size as he was, and he was not as
strong as he thought he was.  They wrapped their arms around each
other, and hugged each other tightly.  Linda looked into his face,
and could see that it was really Joe, the guy with whom last night
she had talked marriage plans.  The man she loved.  The man who
loved her.  As their breasts touched, Linda pulled back.  She
grabbed the tab of his zipper, and pulled it down further, below
the front clasp of the bra.  With her finger, she pulled on the
lacy edge of one of the silky cups exposing a nipple.  He looked
into her eyes.

     "They're real, aren't they," she said, seeing the nipple
become erect to her touch.

     "Well, they sure feel real to me," he said, taking her hand,
and squeezing it.  "I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to
correct it."

     "Where did you get those clothes?" she asked.

     "I've made two trips to the mall today already," Joe said. 
"None of my old clothes fit, and I'm really at a loss as what I
should do.  Jay knows, and he's helping to find a way to solve my
identity problems, and I've got to find a doctor to get me back to

     "What can I do to help, Joe?" Linda said.  "I'll gladly help
you in any way I can.  I still love you, too, no matter how you

     "I'm waiting for a call from Jay," Joe told her.  "He knows
people who can help, at least I think he does.  Until then, I just
have to make the best of it."

     "What do you want me to do?" Linda repeated.

     "I don't know, Linda," Joe said.  "Just let me be with you. 
I need a somebody to talk to right now.  I don't even know what
kind of problems I'll have next."

     "Do you want me to stay with you?" Linda asked.  "I might be
able to help with some of your problems.  I am a woman."

     "I don't know," Joe said again.  "I guess I could use your
advice though."

     "Okay then, I'll do whatever you want," Linda told him.

     "Are you hungry?" Joe asked.  "I did say we would go to

     "I haven't eaten since lunch," Linda replied.

     "Well, then let's go get something to eat," Joe said.  "I'm

     Linda got up from the chair, and Joe stood and zipped his
jumpsuit.  Linda watched him as he straightened his clothes.

     "Are there any other changes?" she asked, her eyes on his

     "I'm afraid so," Joe said.  "I'm not completely certain, but
it's likely we could be mistaken for sisters."

     Linda went to her bedroom to finish dressing.  Joe sat, and

     When Linda came back, she was wearing jeans, and a white
cotton top.  Usually when they went out on Fridays, she dressed up
more.  "She's probably just trying to match my jumpsuit," Joe

     They went out to Joe's car.  Joe opened the door for Linda,
and she smiled at him, and got in.  He went to his door and buckled

     As they drove toward the restaurant, they did not talk much. 
Linda put her hand on Joe's arm, as he kept his hand on the shift
lever.  Joe looked at Linda, and smiled.

     "Whatever has happened, I'm sure there is a biological reason,
and if there is, there must also be a way for me to get back to
normal," Joe said, not sure if he was trying to convince Linda, or
just thinking out loud.

     "Don't worry, Joe," Linda returned.  "We'll work it out,
whatever happens."

     When they arrived at Bennigan's, they were quite busy, as they
usually were on Friday evenings.  They had to wait for a table. 
Joe told the girl at the door they would sit at the bar until they
were called.  He and Linda went to the bar and found two stools. 
There were other couples at the bar, and five men.  Joe and Linda
took their places.  The bartender asked Joe what he would like to
drink.  Joe looked at Linda, letting her order first, as he usually

     "I'll take a Michelob Dry," Linda said.

     The bartender looked at Joe.  "How about you, miss?" he asked.

     Joe could feel his face get red from embarrassment from the
bartender's words.  He looked at Linda, but she did not notice, or
pretended not to.  "I guess I'll have the same," he said.

     As they sat at the bar, waiting for their table, Joe noticed
that the men at the bar were watching Linda and him.  Suddenly he
realized why.  "They figure we're two single women, out on the
town, and they're sizing us up," he thought.

     Before they were done with their beer, the waitress came to
them and directed them to a table.  Joe started to help Linda with
her seat, and then reconsidered.  He would have to stop that kind
of stuff in public, he thought.

     They ordered.  Joe passed up his usual big order, and tried to
copy Linda in the amount and type of things he ordered.  With his
smaller size, he probably could not eat as much anyway, he figured.

     Every time he looked at Linda, their eyes met.  He realized
she was watching him very closely.  He looked at her and smiled

     "Don't worry, I'm the same guy," he offered.  "I feel the
same.  I think the same.  I just look different."

     "You certainly do look different," Linda said.  "What does it
feel like?"

     "What do you mean, what does it feel like?" he asked.  "I feel
just the same as always, and sometimes, that's a problem.  I guess
I do look like a woman, but I don't know what it feels like to be
one.  I still feel like a man, and men don't usually go to the
places I've been today."

     "How do you feel about me...  now?" Linda asked.

     "Damn it Linda, I feel the same as I ever did," he replied,
touching her hand discreetly.  "I love you as much as ever, but I
guess I just can't do much about it."

     "Don't worry Joe, I'll help you get through this, no matter
what happens," Linda said, looking at him, and smiling.  "I love
you, no matter what you look like."

     "It really helps to hear you say that," Joe said honestly. 
"You don't know how alone I've felt sometimes today."

     The waitress brought the food, and they started to eat.  Linda
started taking about what happened with her that day, and Joe
almost forgot his predicament for a few minutes.  Linda worked as
a Realtor, and spent her days showing houses.  She always had a
story to tell about the people she met while showing houses.  She
was good at her job, and made good money.

     When they were finished eating, Joe picked up the bill.  Linda
got out her purse, and pulled out a twenty.  She dropped it on the
table, and looked at Joe.

     "Let's split the bill, okay?" she said, looking at Joe for

     Joe saw what she was doing.  She was not with him.  They were
together, as equals.  Joe pulled some crumpled bills out of one of
the pockets of his jumpsuit.  He was not used to taking a purse,
and just had his credit cards, drivers license, which he hoped he
would not need to show, and some folding money stuffed in the
pockets of the somewhat loose fitting jumpsuit.

     Joe and Linda walked out of the restaurant to Joe's car.  This
time, Joe did not open the door for her first, but got in on his
side, and then unlocked the door for Linda.

     "Where to now?" he asked.

     "Do you have anything you need to do?" Linda asked, looking at

     "I don't think I should push my luck in public any more than
I have already today," Joe said, "and that beer really made me

     "Yeah, me too," Linda said.  "I worked my butt off today.  I'd
be happy to just go home, and watch a movie till I fall asleep
which won't take long."

     "Your place, or mine?" he asked, grinning.  Then he again
realized what he was thinking.  He was no longer capable of doing
what he was thinking.

     "You pick," Linda said.

     Joe looked at her.  She looked at him, and grinned a devious
grin. "Don't worry Joe, we can have a slumber party," she teased.

     "That's about all I'm capable of," Joe replied sadly, not
feeling any reaction to her attempts at humor.

     They arrived at Joe's apartment.  Linda got out, and Joe
reached in the back of his car and retrieved his new gym bag.

     "What's in there?" Linda asked.

     "Believe it or not, I played racquetball with Jay today," Joe
said.  "These are the clothes I wore, and I'd better let them dry

     "You went to the health club?" Linda seemed surprised.  "You
ARE a brave soul."

     They walked up the steps to his door, and Joe opened it with
his key.  Linda entered first.  Joe followed, and went straight to
the bedroom.  Linda followed him.  He opened the gym bag, and
removed the damp towel, and the sweaty clothes.  Linda looked at
the leotard, bra, and panty.

     "I'm sorry," Linda said, holding the leotard up.  "I just
can't believe you're wearing things like this."

     "It's much harder for me, I assure you," Joe said.  It was
easy to talk with Linda.  She seemed to understand him better than

     "I'll throw these things in the washer," Joe said, taking the
clothes and walking to the laundry area in the hallway.

     "Better take these too," Linda said, holding up the men's
black bikini briefs she found lying at the side of the bed.

     Joe grabbed the underwear, and added it to his pile of

     "Those things will last longer if you hand wash them," Linda

     "Hand wash?" Joe asked.  "I hope I don't need them long enough
to wear them out.  They'll stand up to at least one machine
washing, I think."

     "Then use the delicate cycle," Linda called from the bedroom.

     "Yes, mother," Joe whined.  He put the things in the washer,
added some other items waiting to be laundered that were lying on
the dryer, put some detergent in the machine, and, setting the
controls to delicate, started the washer.

     When he was finished, he returned to the bedroom.  Linda was
holding the box of panty liners he bought at the drugstore that

     "What are these for?" she questioned.

     "I was at the drug store this afternoon, getting some things
I would need, and I saw those," Joe said.  "I don't know if I need
them, but then, I don't know what I'll need next, and I thought I
better be prepared for anything."  He took the box from her and put
it in the cabinet under the sink in the bathroom.

     "You seem to be adjusting pretty well," Linda said.

     "No, I'm not, really," Joe replied.  "I'm able to handle it
because I'm sure it is only temporary.  I know I won't be like this
very long." He came back into the bedroom, and from the gym bag,
took some deodorant and bath powder and carried it into the
bathroom.  "I bought this powder this afternoon, but I don't really
know when to use it," he told her.

     "What do you mean, don't know when to use it?" Linda said. 
"After your bath, or shower, you just dust it on.  It makes you
feel soft, and smooth."

     "Well, I feel too soft and smooth right now," Joe said.  "I
hardly need something else to help with that."

     "Joe, I know you aren't a woman, and don't want to be a woman,
but as long as you look like one anyway, even temporarily, there is
no reason you shouldn't enjoy the things which can make a woman
feel good," Linda told him.

     "I'm doing my best to make this a learning experience," Joe

     "I don't think I could do as well as you, if I were put in the
same situation," Linda said.  "It's almost possible to forget that
you are not a real woman."

     "I don't forget," Joe said.  "I'm getting stiff from the
workout I got playing Jay this afternoon.  I got beat three out of
three.  That never happens."

     "What you need is a hot bath," Linda said.  "I know you never
take a tub bath, but you might like the feeling of a warm soak in
the bubbles."

     "I don't have any bubbles," Joe said, "but a warm soak might
feel good.  It's amazing how much more sensitive my body feels

     Linda went into the bathroom.  She looked through the
cabinets.  Finally, she said, "You're right, you don't have any
bath beads."

     "Why would I?" Joe said.  "I've never had the desire for a
bubble bath before, and my girlfriends never found time to soak in
my tub until now."  He winked at Linda.

     "No matter, the warm water will feel good anyway," she said,
and started to fill the tub.

     Joe watched her as she filled the tub.  He still felt the same
about her, but wondered how she really felt about him, now that he
looked like this.  He decided that he would not worry about it
until it became a problem.

     "Come on, Joe," Linda said.  "Get out of that jumpsuit.  I'll
have the tub ready in just a minute."

     "You're gonna get in with me, aren't you?" Joe asked,

     "I don't know," Linda answered.  "Do you think I should?"  She
looked concerned.

     "We're consenting adults, aren't we, and besides, what would
it hurt?" Joe asked.  "What indeed," he thought.

     Joe went back to the bedroom.  He unzipped the jumpsuit, and
pulled it off his shoulders.  He sat on the bed, and was removing
his Reeboks and socks, when Linda came into the room.  She saw him
sitting on the bed, removing his socks, and stepping out of the
jumpsuit.  She stopped, and stared at him, her eyes wide with

     "You really do look like a woman, don't you?" she said.  "I'm
sorry, but I just keep getting confused by the contrast of who I
think you are, in my head, and what I see with my eyes."

     "I know, I have the same problem, but you can bet it's even
worse for me," Joe said.

     "Forgive me for staring, Joe, but I just can't help myself,"
Linda said.  "I still think of you as a male, but as I see you
standing there, you look so different."

     "I think of myself as male too, and I hope you continue to
feel that way about me," Joe said, removing his bra.  The bra had
made lines in his breasts where it rubbed the soft skin.  He
scratched at the area with his hand.  He walked into the bathroom,
still wearing his panties.  Linda followed, just watching him walk.

     "Amazing," she said.  "Except for your hair, you look like an
exact copy of yourself, except female.  What could have caused this
to happen?"

     "I wish I knew, and I WILL find out," Joe said firmly,
removing his panties.  Again Linda could not take her eyes from
him.  He felt self conscious.  "Except for this damn wetness, I
feel almost exactly the same.  Sometimes, I even feel like I'm
having an erection.  I just can't see it, that's all.  Don't you
ever feel like you're having an erection?"

     "Gosh, Joe, I don't know," Linda answered.  "I've never had an
erection.  Unlike you, I've never been a man, you know.  How would
I know what one feels like?"

     "Yeah, I guess your right," he said sticking his foot into the
tub, to test the temperature.

     He got in the tub, and sat slowly.  The temperature was just
right.  He leaned back.  The porcelain was cool on his back, but
warmed quickly.  He closed his eyes.  He heard Linda wet her hands,
rub them with soap, and then felt her soft hands massaging his
tired and sore neck muscles.  It felt good.  He kept his eyes
closed, and enjoyed the relaxing feeling.

     "I must be doing something right," Linda said, breaking the
silence.  "You're grinning like a cat."

     "It's unbelievable how different everything feels now," Joe
said, looking at Linda.  "It seems like all my senses are much
sharper.  I feel hot, cold, pain, and pleasure in such a different
way.  I kind of like it."

     "So being a woman isn't so bad, huh?" Linda said, grinning. 
She reached down and gave his right nipple a little tweak.

     "Ow!" Joe exclaimed.

     "You've done that to me so many times, I just couldn't
resist," Linda said, laughing.

     "Are you going to take off those clothes, or will I have to
pull you in here with them on?" Joe asked, pulling on her arm.

     "Okay, okay, I'll get in, but you'll have to promise you'll be
nice," Linda teased.

     "What could I possibly do?" Joe said, trying to look as
innocent as he possibly could.

     Linda removed her jeans and blouse.  Joe watched her, as she
removed her underwear.  In his mind, he was comparing her body with
the one he now had.  They were about the same size, Joe maybe an
inch taller, and probably about the same weight.  Linda's hips were
larger, even though his seemed larger than before.  They had about
the same size breasts, but his were a maybe little firmer.  "Of
course, mine are only a day old," he thought, and he touched them,
just slightly.

     As Linda got in the tub, at the other end, he grinned at her,
and poked her butt with his foot.  They interlocked their legs to
find room in the tub.  Linda rubbed Joe's leg, which was practical-
ly tucked behind her back.

     "Your legs are so smooth," she said.  "Where did the hair go?"

     "Well, I don't have as much hair as I did before," Joe said,
"but I did shave my legs and underarms this morning.  I didn't want
to look like a French farm woman."

     "Certainly not, my dear," Linda teased.  "We must look

     "I've never seen a naked woman with hairy legs and armpit
hair, so I thought I better clean it up before I went to buy some
clothes," Joe explained.  "I wasn't sure if I should, but I didn't
like the way I looked the other way.  When I get normal again, I
guess it will have to grow back."

     "I see you still have the scar on your arm from the auto
accident," Linda noticed.  "It seems that you are feminized, but
still have the same body."

     "Yeah, I guess so," Joe said.  "I know I sure feel mostly the
same, except for the different equipment, of course." He grinned at
her, and stuck his chest out.

     "Do you like it?" Linda asked.  "You look so good, so natural,
wouldn't you like to stay this way?"

     "I'm a man," Joe insisted.  "I'm still a man, and I want to
remain a man.  This whole thing is an interesting experience, but
I couldn't imagine staying this way.  I don't want to grow old
looking like a woman."

     "Would it be so bad?" Linda countered.  "I'll be old someday,
and although I can wait, I don't dread it."

     "You were once a little girl, though," Joe said.  "You
probably dreamed of becoming a woman, maybe a mother, and all that. 
Someday I'd like to be the FATHER of your kids.  Not the mother of
some guy's."

     "Yeah, your right," Linda said.  "I guess if I were suddenly
changed to a male, I would react pretty much the same as you.  I
probably wouldn't handle it as well as you though."

     "It sure ain't easy," Joe said.  "Sometimes, I want to cry,
and sometimes I just want to punch something."

     Joe started rubbing his leg against Linda's smooth upper leg. 
She looked at him and smiled.

     "You feel so nice now that you're soft too," she said, "but of
course, I like you the old way better."

     They lingered in the water for a while longer, enjoying each
other's company, until the cramped quarters became uncomfortable. 
Joe felt his legs going to sleep.

     "I'm going to have to get out of this tub, or you will have to
help me out," Joe said.  "My butt is completely numb."

     Joe got up and stepped over the side of the tub.  He went to
the towel closet, and removed two bath towels.  He gave one to
Linda, as she got out of the tub.  They dried off, watching each
other, and smiling.

     "Show me how to use this bath powder," Joe said, getting it
out of a drawer.

     "There's no secret," Linda said.  "Even a GUY could use it if
he wanted to."

     "Okay then, I want to try it," Joe said, and opened the cap. 
He gave it to Linda.  "Show me."

     She finished drying and took the powder, sprinkled a little in
her hand, and rubbed it on her breasts, buttocks, and legs.  Joe
watched intently.  When she finished, she gave the powder to him.

     Joe awkwardly sprinkled some powder on his hand.  He rubbed it
on his breasts very self consciously.  He took some more, and
applied it to his legs and soft butt.

     "There, doesn't that just feel great?" Linda asked.  "It makes
you feel so soft and smooth."  She touched Joe lightly on his arm.

     Joe went to her, and put his arms around her.  Both naked,
they just hugged, standing right there in the bathroom.  Joe
thought that Linda seemed so big, but realized it was his smaller
size which made the difference.  He was just a little taller than
Linda now, and did not have to look down at her as he held her
close.  "Hell with it!" he thought, and kissed her.  Linda tensed
up at first, but then she reacted like always, willingly kissing
him back, and rubbing his soft back.  "It feels the same," he
thought.  "She just seems bigger; that's all." He wondered what
Linda was thinking.  He decided to ask her.

     "Does this bother you?" he asked.  "I'll stop if this seems
perverted, or anything, to you.  I'll understand, but I just need
to hold you if I can."

     "Joe, I told you I still love you, and it doesn't seem at all
perverted to me.  You are a man after all, no matter what you look
like, and besides, you're so soft, and smell so nice," she said,
winking at him.

     Joe picked up his underwear, and took it into the bedroom.  He
was going to put it in the laundry room, when Linda called from the

     "Do you have any Ivory Snow?" she asked.  "Those things should
be hand washed here in the sink."

     "I have Ivory Liquid dish washing liquid in the kitchen," Joe
replied.  "I'll get some."

     Joe quickly went to the kitchen, and got the squeeze bottle of
detergent.  He gave it to Linda.

     "Now, where is your lingerie?" Linda asked.

     Joe looked at her.  "Lingerie?" he questioned.

     "Your underwear, Joe.  I'll show you how to wash it out,"
Linda said, shaking her head.  "Men."

     "Oh, I see, I didn't think about doing that," he said, and
went to retrieve them from the top of the washer.

     "And bring your exercise clothes from the washer while you're
there," she called.  "They are surely done by now, and we can hang
them in the shower with our other things."

     Joe brought the blue leotard, the little top, and the
underwear.  Linda had the sink full of soapy water, and was already
washing out her panties, and bra.  She took Joe's things, and put
them in the sink.  As she finished each item, she carefully wrung
the soapy water out, and placed each garment on the counter in a
little ball.  When she finished washing Joe's things, she drained
the sink, and rinsed each one under the tap.

     "Dainty things last longer, and look better, if you hand wash
them," she said.  "You may be a temporary woman, but I'm not, and
I hate to see you wash them in the machine.  Besides, they can dry
hanging in the shower, and they'll be ready in the morning."

     Linda took each item and hung it over the glass doors of the
shower.  Joe got a strange feeling, seeing his underwear, panties
and bra, hanging side by side with his girlfriend's.

     "I hope you're happy now," Joe said.  "You have my bathroom
looking like two women live here."

     Linda pinched his breast again.  "They do, Joe," she said. 
"They do."

     Joe went into the bedroom.  He and Linda usually slept in the
raw, but now he did not know.  He went to his drawer, and got two
old football jerseys.  He would at least offer one to Linda.  Linda
came out of the bathroom, and Joe held up a jersey.

     "Do you think we should wear these?" he said.

     "Why?  Do you wanna play football?" Linda teased.  "Will it
make you feel better?  If it bothers you, I'll wear one."

     "It doesn't really bother me, but I am a little self conscious
letting these knockers hang out," he grinned, shaking his breasts

     "Wear one if you want to," Linda said.  "I don't think I love
you for your bustline."  She went over to the television, and
turned it on.

     She turned on the VCR, found a cassette, and popped it in,
without looking at what it was.  When it came on, she saw it was an
X-Rated movie they had watched together some weeks ago.  She left
it playing.

     Joe was busy cleaning off the bed, and turned around when he
heard moans of ecstasy coming from the television.  Linda pulled
back the spread and sheet, and spread out on the bed.  Joe put the
football jersey on the dresser and lay down on the bed next to

     "What are you trying to do to me?" Joe said laughing.  "Here
we are, in an almost perfect situation, and I'm stuck looking like

     "Are you having an erection?" Linda teased.

     "I've had one ever since you hopped in the tub with me," Joe
said.  "Can't you tell?"

     Linda reached down, and with her soft hand, touched him
lightly.  She cupped his new parts with her hand.  Joe closed his
eyes, and became very tense.

     "Do you like this?" she asked.

     "It feels pretty good," he said, not wanting to open his eyes.

     "I know," Linda said.  "I know what it feels like.  Light
touches are the best.  Always remember that."

     As Joe lay there, enjoying what Linda was doing, he thought of
the things he and Linda had done in bed, other times.  He realized
he had been much too rough with her.  Now she was showing him the
error of his ways.

     With the fingers of her other hand, Linda gently circled the
nipple of his left breast.  It felt like there was a warm wire,
stretching from his nipple, to his crotch.  He began to feel a now
familiar warmth.  He reached over to Linda, but she pushed his hand

     "No, you just lie there," she said firmly.  "I am doing this
for you."

     He lay back and enjoyed the feeling.  He relaxed his muscles,
but constantly had the urge to push against Linda's hand.  Linda
barely moved, but kept slight pressure on the sensitive area at the
top of his opening.  It felt so good that he was gasping.

     "Oh, God ...  Oh, God!" was all he could say.

     Linda continued in with her manipulations, until the sensation
became so intense that Joe thought he would die, and held his
breath as waves of pleasure flooded his mind.  He fell back to the
bed, and Linda took him in her arms and hugged him tightly.

     When he recovered, Joe looked directly into Linda's eyes.  She
was smiling sweetly at him.

     "You devil," he said.  "How did you know about that?"

     "Joe, I'm a woman, remember," she said.  "I would know about
things like that."

     "Why didn't you tell me to do that to you a long time ago?"
Joe asked.  "I would love to make you feel this good."

     "It's hard to tell a man how to do it," she explained.  "You
have to be a woman to understand.  You're fortunate to have had the

     He thought about what she was saying, and he understood.

     "You can pay me back for the lesson any time you'd like,"
Linda said, winking at Joe.

     He moved toward her, and gently touched her, the way she had
just done to him.  They continued throughout the night, waking in
the morning in each other's arms, to the light of the television
which had glowed unnoticed all night long.


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