
bullet Understand company's SMS manual.
bullet Follow bridge procedures manual, standing instruction, night orders.


Look out:

bullet Bridge should never be unattended.
bullet Keep a proper look out at all times, by all available means as appropriate.
bullet Use RADAR, ARPA.


Compass error:

bullet All gyros are aligned at all times.
bullet Compass errors to be taken once in a watch.
bullet Compass errors to be taken after every large alteration as practicable.
bullet Check courses.



bullet Strictly comply with ROR.
bullet Display proper lights and shapes.
bullet Use proper sound signals if required.
bullet Use fog signals in restricted visibility.
bullet Take early action to avoid collisions.
bullet Call me if in any doubt.
bullet Always maintain a safe distance from nearby ships.
bullet Maintain a CPA of two miles if there is enough searoom.
bullet Maximum possible CPA in coastal and dense traffic areas, without endangering navigation.
bullet Inform me when traffic causing concern.
bullet Use ground speed in ARPA for anti collision.



bullet Monitor visibility at all times.
bullet Check visibility by radars.
bullet Call me if visibility reduces to less than three miles.


Position fixing

bullet Determine primary and secondary methods of position fixing.
bullet Position to be obtained at regular intervals.
bullet In deep sea, position once a hour. In coastal areas, 15minutes or less.


Tides and currents

bullet Always keep tidal predictions ready, especially in coastal areas.
bullet Always be aware about set and drift.
bullet Call me if keeping course due to strong current is difficult.



bullet Always monitor the present weather.
bullet Obtain up to date information about weather from NAVTEX, EGC, VHF, weather fax, MF-HF broadcast whichever available.
bullet Inform me when you observe any presence of cyclone, depression or bad weather.
bullet Keep an eye on barometric pressure. Inform me if it reduces 3mb in a watch.
bullet Inform me if significant change of wind force or swell without any warning.


Bridge con

bullet My presence on bridge does not mean I have taken over the con.
bullet Taking over must be by verbal expression.
bullet Con change over between the watch officers also should follow the same principle.
bullet Bridge con not to be handed over during any action.


Use of engines

bullet Engines under your disposal.
bullet You can use engines when required.



bullet Call me when you receive any distress alert.
bullet Call me when you meet any distressed vessel or person.
bullet Do not transmit or acknowledge any distress alert without my concern.
bullet Ring general alarm in case we are in any distress.


Hand steering

Vessel to be on hand steering with two steering motors under following circumstances:

bullet Making or leaving port.
bullet When taking actions in close quarter situation.
bullet While maneuvering.
bullet Passing close to shoals.
bullet Passing narrow channels.
bullet During heavy weather.
bullet Any other situation when it is deemed necessary.


Echo sounder

bullet To be used while passing shallows, making ports, departing ports.
bullet While passing 100m, 50m, 20m contours.
bullet Any time if it deemed necessary.


Rounds after watch

bullet All officers to take round after watch and report to bridge.
bullet Rounds to be made in accommodation, galley, car decks.
bullet Any risk of fire, leak, water ingress, cargo lashings to be checked.


Filling up deck log book

bullet To be filled up after every watch with ink.
bullet Courses, weather, comparison of compasses, emergency drills, look out man etc. to be written.
bullet Log book must be initialed.


Maneuvering book

bullet To be filled up by watch officers, with ink.
bullet Control and try out of engines, times, names of pilots
bullet Must be initialed.




Updated: September 30, 2007