Lower lifeboat in heavy weather condition


bullet Some steadying method to be used so that the life boat does not land hard against the ship side.
bullet Prevent the fall blocks to hit ship crew or lifeboat.
bullet Boat crews must wear life jacket, helmet, immersion suit in cold climate for rescuing operation.
bullet Sea quelling oil may be used to reduce the seas.
bullet Vessel to create a good lee. Wind to be on the opposite bow.
bullet Ship plugs.
bullet Lower lifeboat into the trough of a wave.
bullet On the next rising crest, release the hooks immediately and simultaneously.
bullet Cast off the painter once clear.
bullet Bear off the ship's side with tiller, oars or boat hook.
bullet Engine is started before the release of blocks and kept neutral.
bullet Once lifeboat is underway, tiller put against ship's side and with full throttle clear off the ship.


bullet Rig fenders, mattresses or mooring ropes to prevent the boat from being staved during an adverse roll.
bullet A cargo net, slung between davits and trailing in the water for crew to hang on in case the boat capsize alongside. It should not hamper the operation of the boat.
bullet The painter is rigged and kept tight throughout so as to keep the boat in position between the falls.
bullet The falls are loosely tied with a line, led to the deck and manned. When the boat is unhooked, the line line will steady the falls and prevent accidental contact with the boat crews.
bullet Once unhooked, the blocks should be taken up to avoid injuring the crews in lifeboat.
Updated: June 18, 2003