A Little Girl's Eyes

Author Unknown

"I'd like to be a Brownie"
(Her eyes were deepest blue)
"I'd like to learn and play and sing,
Like Jane and Ashley do."

"I know how to use scissors;
I can cut cloth if I try.
I'm eight years old, a big girl now,
And hardly ever cry."

I gave her the application
And parent participation sheet.
(Her eyes were filled with sunshine
as she left on dancing feet.)

Next day my friend was back again.
No longer wearing the smile she'd had.
"I guess I'll skip the Brownies"
(Her eyes were dark and sad).

"My mom is awfully busy,
She has lots of friends , you see,
She'd never have time for a troop,
She hardly has time for me."

"And dad is always working,
He's hardly ever there.
To give them any more to do
Just wouldn't be fair."

She handed back the papers
With the dignity of eight years
And smiling bravely left me,
(Her eyes were filled with tears.)

Do you see your own girl's eyes
As other people may?
How she looks when you're "too busy"
Or, "just haven't the time today"?

A girl is such a special gift,
Why won't you realize,
It only takes a little time,
To put sunshine in her eyes.

You say "I'll start tomorrow"
But tomorrow is far away.
She's little for such a short time
So won't you start today?

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